A couple of years ago, Bovine Growth Hormone was approved to be injected into dairy cows. This caused the udders of dairy cows to double in size. The udders became painful and so heavy that they sometimes drag on the ground, resulting in increased incidences of Mastitis, infection of the udders, and overuse of antibiotics. So as not to interfer with the business end of dairy farmers, who have a large say in our Nations' Capital, the amount of 'allowed pus' in milk was raised, they call it 'White Blood Cells' which is pus...
So, 'Got to have Milk and Pus?'
Dairy products are a health hazard. They are frequently contaminated with pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics and are deficient in fiber, niacin, vitamin C, and iron.
Bovine Protein, the protein in milk, have now been linked with Juvenile Diabetes, increased immune diseases, allergies, and Adult Insulin-Dependent diabetes.
Suggestion? Go veg, leave the pus out!
Marcella Smith